Sunday, December 18, 2011

Occupy Your Life

I’ve been watching various grass roots movements since the Presidential election of 2008. I’ve greatly appreciated the movement away from a general cultural malaise and into the awakening of the 99%.  

I have noticed that the malaise has been identified individually as depression throughout the population. Many individuals have been medicated for years now. Long enough to get some perspective, and long enough for the medicated to know, that it’s possible to start asking what they really want for their lives. 

Depression has served as the more comfortable place because it’s easier to live caring more about how others feel than to live knowing we are 100% responsible for our experience. That doesn’t mean that others are not trying to victimize us nor that injustices don’t happen. It just means that there is 100% responsibility on all sides of reality. The powers that be know that you were easier to deal with when you were depressed because you stayed in your room and you didn’t bother anybody. When you move up the emotional scale into the more active energies of anger or rage, you activate your superpowers of strength and power, capacities that are the hardest forces for organizations and the people who seemingly have all the control within them to deal with. It’s the reason why we have been encouraged to become a nation of sheep. 

Once upon a time, we were a nation of rebels. As we stayed with and developed our greater cultural truth, we became a truer form of Patriot Act. We moved as a nation towards knowing and holding this Truth to be self evident, that all men are created equal. We moved towards Truth. We did not deviate and became an autonomous entity and gave the world a new model of self governing.
From our anger about not controlling our country’s destiny we gave up a path that was no longer tenable. In the truth of that, we did the right thing and it’s worked, more or less, until now. I hold that it’s still working and the beauty of the moment is that we are no longer be sheep, raised to be slaughtered on the alter of materialism. The call now is not so much about getting other people’s money. It’s not even about wresting control. It’s about personal power and living in our personal validation that strength and power resides within us. 

The mistake is to ask anyone outside ourselves to give it to us. It cannot be done. “Please may we self govern?” That’s powerless. “Can’t we do it differently?” There’s blame in that. We need personal acknowledgement, from that truly quiet place of power deeply held in the belly. We need to know that We don’t have to ask or to blame. 

Now is the time to listen to the guidance within the rage and anger, even in the depression that you may be evidencing and turn them into the power, strength and truth. No, it’s not easy. You will get feedback about where you are in this moment in time. The powers that be will reflect powerlessness back to you. You are easier to deal with by continuing to act like sheep waiting for your fate. Now try to move through the body, feel yourself through your heart and belly. Sit quietly for few concentrated minutes and ask yourself, “What is it that you really want?” Discover your superpowers. You probably have more than one. Take one and make a small act with it. Occupy your life. You will feel the power, the strength and the Truth of who you really are.

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